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Showing posts with the label Python

My First Prototype for my Text-Based CYOA Game in Python!

  I finished it! Introduction Hello there, coders!  I'm so happy to tell you guys, that I have finished the first prototype for my first game! It took around 5 weeks to finish my game, which could've been much lower only if I had been less lazy. By the way, my school has started again, so new posts might be slower, but I will continue uploading! Bug fixing I finished making the endings quite swiftly. It was just if statements. It wasn't really that hard. The hard part came, when I realized that my old enemy, being-able-to-choose-one-choice-again-and-again came back, and I had to get back to work. I tried fixing it manually, but then I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and made a function to optimize my code! This made me go down yet another rabbit hole. Functions If you can recall, functions are basically code that executes multiple lines of code.  There are also many functions built into Python itself. Functions, to me right now, are a bit tricky, as we can put var

One Third Finished in my Text-Based CYOA Python Game!

  I am so shameful. Introduction Hello there, coders! First of all, I'd like to say sorry for my delay. I've been figuring out the google search console thing, and all my time's been taken because of that. Anyway, today, I'll share you all my experience making a CYOA game in Python.  In short, lots of conditionals, AI, and bugs. Ignorance I started working on it, and I felt amazing.  Sure, there were a few bugs, but nothing too frustrating to get rid of. I finished coding the entire first 'Lobby Part' in just a day! Then, my laziness started to pop up again. This was really starting to be a problem.  Couple that together with the fact that I was just starting to figure out Google Search Console, was time-consuming. This was when things started to go downhill. Debugging I came back to this, TWO WEEKS LATER!!! That's really concerning. Anyway, I got back to work on playtesting, and started noticing huge problems. Firstly, I was limiting the player's choice

A Complete Overhaul of My Text-Based CYOA Game in Python!

  Everything changed. Introduction Hello there, coders! Today, I'm going to be sharing my experiences with planning and coding a text-based CYOA game in Python! The Overhaul I overhauled everything. Why? Well, it all started when I felt some doubt about my game. I felt like everything was going alright, when I took a closer look, and saw that there was no CYOA elements in it whatsoever!  The problem with it, was the fact that you chose 4 items in the beginning, and the story unfolds right in front of your eyes. There was only one single choice in the entire game. This was why I started version 2, where the player wouldn't choose any items in the beginning and make the choices inside of the haunted mansion. When I got into writing the story, I just kept overcomplicating it with souls, and arrogant mansion owners, that I just decided to scrap it completely. There was also a version 3 but I completely forgot about it. I think I scrapped it since there were just too many choices to

A Lot of Planning and Revision for a Text-Based Adventure Game in Python

This was great and horrible at the same time. Introduction Hello there, coders! Today, I'm going to be telling you about my experiences revising python basics, and planning my text based adventure game!  This was all done in python as me, a beginner programmer! Revising my Data Structures As you have read from my previous blog, I decided to revise the things I've learned from the last two weeks of learning Python. I've got to say, if you're also a beginner like me, you've got to do this, as this can definitely make yourself more confident in your fundamentals!  For example, I was really confused about dictionaries, but revising solved that problem instantly! Planning for the CYOA Game I was originally planning for my game to be a fighting game, but I do NOT have the skills for it. Not now, at least. I was going to start coding but then I realized something. I'm doing things without knowing what I'm even working towards!  Because I realized this, I probably s

The Start of a Brand New Journey: Making a Text-Based Adventure Game in Python.

  I felt like I was doing something wrong. Introduction Hello there, coders!  It's been quite a while, I know.  I took a small rest so that I could fully transition into a weekly schedule instead of a daily one, but now I'm here! Today, I'm going to be talking about me starting out to make my first real project.  I watched a few YouTube videos in my hiatus and realized I wasn't doing anything useful other than doing exercises, so I decided to start a project! I'm a bit guilty of AI usage, because I used it to give me ideas for projects. It's not much of a big deal, but I felt like I had to mention it. The Start So when I asked it, it gave me an idea for a person exploring a mansion.  So, I expanded on that by adding a bit of mystery and spooky into it, with the idea now being that a overtly curious child exploring a mansion.  Little did they know, it was haunted! First of all, I started a character introduction thing, with my program first asking the person'

Python Lists: Beginner Python Lists Introduction and A Beginner's Experiences Learning It

  Apparently, we're doing data structures here! Introduction Hello there, coders! Today, we're talking about lists! I'm also going to be recalling my experience learning about lists after so many minutes. I was actually supposed to post this much earlier but because of the light cutouts coupled with my english tuition, AND my headphones not working, I couldn't start this blog post. Thankfully my lights came on a bit earlier than usual! What are Lists? They're a, well, list! It's very well named. It's stored in a variable with square brackets [] and separated by commas, and you can put many data types in it!  This basically just makes it a better way of storing data, instead of using normal brackets to store only one data type.  What can we do with lists? You can modify lists even after they were made, or in other words, mutable.  You can use many functions to add data to the back of the list, remove data, add data in the middle of the list, and you can sort

Taming Text Files in Python!

  I was very frustrated with this one. Introduction Hello there, coders! I was completely surprised, flabbergasted, and astonished, since this lesson was completely different from the others.  I was going to have to do actual work instead of learning things. Frightening, I know. Having to skim through hundreds of lines of text to find that one email can be very frustrating, so python reading the text files can save hours off of your life. Real-Time Reaction of a business man finding this out  Deep Dive So, python (as I've heard), is a very special language as it reads text files and has a function specifically for that (as I found out from Mr. Charles). This all can happen because of one function: open() . It basically, well, opens the text file and you can just do everything you want with it. (p.s. apparently it can open other types of files but I still don't know that... ) The variable the function happens in is called the handle, but I just called it a portal since it was ea

What are Strings? A Beginner's Guide Into Programming Strings in Python

  What is the meaning of a string in coding? Introduction Hello there, coders! This was definitely one of the weirdest concepts I had to understand when I was learning to code.  It is so simple, but I spent an entire evening understand strings! It was ver y embarrassing , but at least I know now!  To hopefully regain my pride, I'm going to explain what strings are in programming as a beginner. What even are strings? Strings are data that you can print out. It's basically text. You might be confused if 9 is a string or an integer (number), but you can just change it! You can type in your code editor to turn a certain variable or a number into a string, in our case 9, by using the str() function. You can put anything in there and it will turn into something you can print out! You can't perform math on the string '9' though. My Experience Aside from the usual data types, I was a bit stumped when I reached the string functions. There were just so many string functions,

Conquering Loops Together: A Beginner's Guide to Loops

Ditch copying and pasting code, there's a better way! Hello there, coders! Today, we're diving into iterations (or loops), which are amazing and powerful tools to tackle repetitive tasks! Understanding Loops Iterations (also known as loops) are these functions that you use in programming to solve problems that take lots of repetition, or loops!  Imagine writing 300 lines of code! That's horrible, but thankfully that isn't a thing due to loops being so efficient at doing repetitive things  There are two types of loops that I know right now in Python, being the for loops and the while loops. Y ou know, loops are like those circular mazes where you have to keep going in circles until you reach the end. While and for Loops While loops are loops that keep executing the code over and over again until a certain condition is met.  It's like a dog keeping a house safe, just like how the code after the loops can only be executed after the requirement is passed. It's also

The Beginning

  Coding was always something I was interested in. Introduction I used to be super interested in coding as a kid, because who wouldn't want to make games, create web pages? I obviously signed up for coding tuition when I was around 10, and just could not keep up at all. The teacher was fine, but I guess I just got bored trying to understand and remember the "functions". Recently, I decided to change this, by trying to learn coding again. I still have some basic knowledge for coding, for example loops, conditionals, data types, but other than that, I just forgot everything. After this, I found this incredible website called . If you're learning to code, which I think you are doing since you're reading this, you'll probably find this website to be incredibly useful. Other than that, I realized that, "I could probably help some future coding beginners if they saw a blog from a person learning to code." and I set up this blog. I really h