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My First Prototype for my Text-Based CYOA Game in Python!


I finished it!


Hello there, coders! 

I'm so happy to tell you guys, that I have finished the first prototype for my first game!

It took around 5 weeks to finish my game, which could've been much lower only if I had been less lazy.

By the way, my school has started again, so new posts might be slower, but I will continue uploading!

Bug fixing

I finished making the endings quite swiftly. It was just if statements.

It wasn't really that hard.

The hard part came, when I realized that my old enemy, being-able-to-choose-one-choice-again-and-again came back, and I had to get back to work.

I tried fixing it manually, but then I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and made a function to optimize my code!

This made me go down yet another rabbit hole.


If you can recall, functions are basically code that executes multiple lines of code. 

There are also many functions built into Python itself.

Functions, to me right now, are a bit tricky, as we can put variables inside the function bracket, tricking me a bit.

It still tricks me to this day!


I'm still working on my second prototype, possibly my final release. 

Heck, I don't even know what to call the game, as I don't want it to be too generic like, Adventurous Mansion, or something like that.

I'm just going to put that as a placeholder name, though.

I've also started to consider ditching freeCodeCamp for a while, since I've gotten a bit more interested in PyGame as of late. 

Please let me know in the comments, if this switch would actually just make my coding journey worse or better.

That's my Prototype 1 for now, so enjoy if you can I guess.

I'm also definitely going to have to work on commenting my code.

and with that,
signing off,


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